Alana Lake / A.M. Hanson / Chris Russell / Clara Turchi / Cornelia Badelita / James Howard / Joey Bryniarska / John Lawrence / Kraig Wilson / Michael Petry / Richard Ducker / Roberto Ekholm / Rob Leech / Tom Brown / Tracy McEachran

25/09/12 - 04/11/12

What could be more convincing, moreover, than the gesture of laying one's cards face up on the table?

(Jacques Lacan)

Rock-paper-scissors is group exhibition contemplating mark making, symbology and gesture. The title takes inspirations from a well know cyclical game played using three symbolic gestures. Seemingly random choices are made, but tactical players observe patterns and execute educated predictions in order to gain an advantage over their opponent. Rock-paper-scissors acts as a metaphor for the inanimate art object and the power of gesticulation held within the artists’ hands.

The works in this exhibition although seemingly disparate have a commonality, and this is that they draw from an evolving composite of shared references. There are images in this show that cite other images and there are works that quote pre-existing works or pay homage to the future. References critique, ironize and probe relying on a mutual understanding of a common visual language. What then completes these works is the audiences ability to hypothesize, seek connections, reflect, critique and analyse understanding the signs and signifiers presented by the artist, thus making the viewer integral to the form and function of the work.

In God We Trust?

2012 Self adhesive vinyl
Photographic prints available edition of 5,
30 x 42 cm

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